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Sonny's Par 3 and Driving Range | Golf Lessons

Almost everyone who wants to take a golf lesson has the same goal— to play better golf. My goal, as your instructor is to not only help you play better golf, but also give you a working knowledge of the golf swing. 
The purpose of this knowledge is simple, when you understand how the golf swing works, your ability to correct, change and fine-tune your swing increases dramatically!  All of my instruction is geared toward your understanding of the basic principles of the golf swing. Once these basic principles are understood and applied, your confidence will go up and your scores will go down.

Maine Golf Lessons

Even though a correct golf swing is one of the most complex motions the human body can attempt, the golf swing that you currently have, whether it’s good or bad, always seems to repeat. This ability to consistently repeat the same motion is one of the cornerstones to building a solid golf swing. 

Replacing the bad habits with the correct habits as quickly as possible will be one of my major objectives. Other objectives include, but aren’t limited to the following:
Correct and incorrect mechanics.
Understanding of these mechanics and the ability to diagnose every shot.
Ability to acquire a “feel” from these mechanics that will be correct, repeatable and comfortable.

A working knowledge of the following: 
Drivers and Fairway Woods 
Iron Shots 
Chipping & Pitching 
Rough and Sand Shots 
Trouble Shots & Putting 
Course Management 
Mental Attitude/Outlook 
Etiquette and Fair play

But more than anything else, you should expect to learn enough about golf and your golf swing to make your next trip to the golf course a lot more fun. For some people that means posting a much better score. For others, it means just getting out on one of Maine’s beautiful courses for the first time with enough confidence to feel comfortable.

winterport golf

But whether you are a beginner or you have been playing for years, I feel confident that I can make your golf game better and a lot more fun!

To download LESSON INFO 2025 rates click here

2025 Price List for Lessons & Programs

Lesson Rates

 Adult Students

1 hr.. $85/ 30 min. $60 w/video

Juniors & Seniors

(17 yrs. old and under &  62 yrs. and older)

1 hr. $70/ 30 min. $50


Group Lessons

  2 Students … 1.5 hr…....$70 ea.

          3-4 Students…..2.0 hr........$60 ea.

 5 + Students…2.0 hr…...$50 ea.


Mini Series

 Single Student (1hr +15 min. ea.) $210 ea.

2 Students (1hr.+ 30 min. ea.) …. $180 ea.

3 Students & Juniors .………...... $160 ea.

(3 ea. / 1.2 to 2 hr. lessons)


Playing lessons

9 Hole playing lesson ….. $110


Range Balls & Course Rates

Warm-up $4 or 2 for $7

Small ..$10.00  Medium .. $12.00

 Large. $13.00  Jumbo ….. $29.00


Green Fees:  9 Holes $18 / 18 Holes  $30

Week Ends:  9 Holes $19/ 18 Holes  $31

Cart Rental:  9 Holes  $ 16  / 18 Holes  $26

Club Rental : 9 Holes $6 / 18 Holes $10


 Playing Membership Only

Couples $720 / Single Adult $540 ea.

Juniors & Seniors $420 ea.


 Combination Range and Playing Membership

 Couples $1080 / Single Adult  $840

Juniors & Seniors  $720


Range Membership Only

  Couples $700 / Single Adult  $500

Juniors & Seniors  $450


*Additional $100 per child age 10 or older for Couples

*Juniors are individual 18 or less before 30 June 2025

* Seniors must be 62 on or before 30 June 2025

*New Members must not have been a member for past 3 years.  

* Range balls are limited to 5 medium or 3 large or 1 jumbo per person,  per day

Mini Series I (Full Swing)  


a. Analyze swing (w/Video- Discretionary) 
b. Introduction/ review of swing basics (20 min.) 
c. Grip, Posture, Alignment (intro G.A.S.W.A.S) 
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills


a. Review lesson one

b. Introduction (15 min demo/discussion) 
c. Swing basics & Swing Plane discussion 
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills


a. Review lessons one & two (Basic Swing) 
b. Introduction (15 min. demo/discussion) 
c. Long Iron & Woods Setup / Hit balls 
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills

Mini Series II (Short Game)


a. Analyze short game swing 
b. Introduction (20 min. demo/discussion) 
c. Grip, Posture, Alignment (intro G.A.S.W.A.S) 
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills


a. Introduction (30 min. system discussion)
b. Grip, Posture, Alignment (15 min demo/discussion)
c. Mechanical & Visualization Techniques 
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills


a. Introduction (15 min. on Sand shot)
b. Grip, Posture, Alignment / Hit sand shots 
c. Introduction (15 min. on Putting)
d. Setup / Hit balls / Customize Drills


"After almost half a century of competitive tennis at regional, national, and international levels, multiple surgeries brought an end to a life-long tennis career. Throughout that period I always had in mind to take up golf in the event that I could no longer play tennis. That moment arrived at age 52. 

Due to a casual comment by my orthopedic surgeon, I had the good fortune to be directed to Sonny Reynolds in nearby Winterport. That began a twelve year association with a terrific golf instructor and a wonderful personal friend. I cannot say enough by way of ecommendation for anyone of whatever age who is thinking about beginning or who aspires to advance in this most demanding and enjoyable game. I only wish, in retrospect, that I had begun earlier in life, although the one advantage is that I came to Sonny with no experience and therefore no bad habits that become increasingly difficult to correct as one ages. Sonny taught me everything I know about golf, for which I am profoundly grateful. 

As a retired college and seminary professor--meaning a perennial student--I absorbed his teaching like a sponge. I took lessons nonstop during those twelve years, learning everything I could about the game, by listening, asking questions, and observing Sonny as he patiently and thoroughly responded to my inquiries, and then meticulously demonstrated each shot appropriate to the lesson and to my level. At times he would tantalize me with more advanced kinds of shots that I now am capable, on occasion, of executing. As an instructor, Sonny ranks with the very best; there's no doubt about that. I know. I was a college tennis coach for several years. His knowledge of the game is thorough; his ability to work with a student at the level he or she is at is uncanny; his tailoring the lesson to a student's specific needs is precise; and his respect for the student as a person, and sometimes as an apprehensive beginner, is always present. I never finished a lesson without feeling good about my golf and especially about myself as a person. That's a rare talent in instructors in any sport.

Having moved to a private golf community in Williamsburg, Virginia, where there are three 18 hole courses designed by Dan Maples, I am continuing my thorough enjoyment of the game, thanks to Sonny. I scarcely hit a shot without first calling to mind some important observation about that particular shot that Sonny made in a lesson years ago. That itself indicates the powerful influence his teaching has had on my game. It is not an overstatement to say that everything I can do on the golf course, whether the preparation for a shot, the execution of the shot, or the review following the shot, I owe to Sonny Reynolds. As Sonny used to comment to me, if folks spent just a tenth of their golf expenditures on lessons instead of the latest and often the most faddy expensive equipment, they would not only enjoy the game more but would, over time, improve as well. I'm so glad I took that advice to heart; it has made a huge difference.

Whether you are just thinking about taking up the game or whether you have graduated to an intermediate or advanced level, I cannot recommend strongly enough a visit to the Training Center and a consultation with Sonny. It is a total facility, including chipping and putting greens, greenside and fairway bunkers, two turf stations, downhill and uphill practice areas, and a wonderful Executive course on which to test your skills. Most importantly, you will find in Sonny a person who epitomizes the gentlemanliness that has characterized golf since its inception, a hospitable setting, and a sense that you are not only important to Sonny as an individual, but that he honestly believes that you can not only learn to enjoy the game, but that you can achieve beyond a level that you might have thought possible.

"Feel your game," as the golf ad puts it, by letting Sonny introduce you to the most popular game in the U.S., and then by allowing him, personally and professionally, to guide you along your path to the pleasure and satisfaction that comes with playing well. Believe me, you will appreciate my advice long after you have forgotten this testimonial. Best wishes as you pursue your dreams and goals with the legendary and amazing game of golf."
The Rev. Dr. Bob Gustafson, Ford's Colony
Williamsburg, VA.


Sonny’s Par 3 & Driving Range

130 Cove Rd, Winterport,  ME 04496  | 207-223-5242

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