Sonny's Par 3 and Driving Range | Golf Camp
Five Day Junior Golf Camps (Limit 12 per class) …... $250 ea. Ages (10 -14 )
(Call for Dates and Info)

Day 1
Registration & Introductions
Etiquette & safety rules (film), Golf rules (film), and discussion
Introduction to Short Game: Putting, Chipping, Short Game challenge
Day 2
Warm up and practice
Golf rules continued (film), and discussion
Introduction to Swing fundamentals (grip, posture, ball position, alignment)
Pitching and swing fundamentals practice
Introduction green & fairway equipment plus turf management
Short Game challenge: Putting
On course instruction / Play holes 1 thru 3
Day 3
Warm up and practice
Golf rules continued (film), and discussion
Swing fundamental review and introduction to driving
Short Game challenge: Chipping & Putting
Course training: Pre-shot routine and Lies, Trajectory, Distance (LTD)
On course instruction / Play holes 4 thru 6
Day 4
Warm up and practice
Review full swing fundamentals and practice
Review short game fundamentals and practice
Course management training: Rule situations
On course instruction / Play holes 7 thru 9
Day 5
Warm up and practice
Review Rule Test
Play 9 hole tournament
Prizes and Award Ceremony
There will be no refund for a camper who is asked to leave the camp for use of drugs, non-notification of a serious medical condition or conduct that is deemed detrimental to the camp. These decisions are the sole discretion of the golf camp director. No refund will be made for late arrival, early departure, or withdrawal due to family vacation. Cancellations occurring 5 days prior to camp start date will receive full refund. After that, a fee of $15 will be assessed for administrative and incidental costs. Sonny’s Par 3 and Driving Range will work with all families regarding extenuating circumstances.